The Men's Ministry is fellowship of Bible believers who purpose to know who we are a true men and followers of God through Jesus Christ. We strive to share and constantly perfect our leadership skills by serving in our homes, on our jobs, in our communities, in our church and wherever God directs us individually or collectively on this tedious kingdom journey. While always being conscious of our surroundings where there is need and pausing daily for a fresh anointed dialogu
From the pit to the palace empowering all men through bible study, testimony, prayer, encouragement, and straight male talk. As iron sharpens iron, we are moving from ordinary to extraordinary. Remembering all seniors that have paved the way and mentoring you males to become the men that God uses.
Scripture Reference:
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17 NKJ :
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